Anthony Williams & The Medical Medium Protocol
It isn’t about belief, I want results
I have been thinking a lot recently about whether or not I “believe” the story of the Medical Medium, Anthony Williams and the medical medium protocol that he recommends for a umber of chronic conditions.
Note – For more background on The Medical Medium Protocol & Diet read this article here.
I have had numerous people write me and tell me they tried the celery juice and they just don’t believe in Anthony William, The Medical Medium. Since they have such a hard time believing that he hears the voice of a spirit that guides him in helping the chronically ill they do not ever give his recommendations a try.
I wanted to write this article to address my thoughts on the concerns of the “non-believer”.

There are two definitions of belief, 1. “an acceptance that a statement is true or that something exists” or 2. “trust, faith, or confidence in someone or something”.
There have been so many different times I believed that a new doctor would have the answer. Or I believed a new medication would actually work this time! And was so excited to try it! Sigh.
There were so many times I believed after a good week that I was actually going to get better. That this time was going to be different.
And worst of all, there were so many times I believed “this time” was different, this doctor would be able to help, this medication would finally be the one to help ease my symptoms.
I believed in different diets and tried so many of them. I believed in different meds and tried more than I can count. (get photo)
So you see, for me, it just isn’t about belief anymore. It is about results.
I want results. I don’t care where the information is coming from (as long as it is not harmful to myself or anyone else) I don’t care! I just want to get better!
I mean, come on. The man does “Apple Challenges” with his millions of followers to try and get them to eat apples everyday. He is harmless.
The Bottom Line – I followed ALL his recommendations (not just celery juice) for months and months and it worked.
Anthony Williams recommendations for POTS helped. I got results. And that is all I care about.
I am healthier and happier than I have been in so long and he has somehow managed to help cure the worst of all my symptoms. My nervous system.
So before you decide it isn’t for you. Make sure you give it a REAL shot. Not “I did celery juice for a week and it didn’t work” shot. Do your research. Read his articles. Listen to his podcast. If you like what you hear check out his books. Pray about it. Ponder it. And then make a decision and go for it if that is what you feel you should do.
This is your life at stake and you really have nothing to lose other than getting your hopes up again that it will work just to have it not work for you. And trust me, I know how hard that is. But if you take the chance and it helps, you could have the opportunity to one day wake up and feel good again! You never know.